Home beautyHair Care 6 Surprising Benefits of Using Honey for Hair Growth

6 Surprising Benefits of Using Honey for Hair Growth

by Zaineey
Benefits of Using Honey for Hair Growth

Benefits of Using Honey for Hair Growth. Can honey help you achieve perfect hair health and even possibly help with hair growth and rejuvenation? Yes. Honey is great as it’s deeply moisturizing and can restore health and shine to damaged hair and dry scalp.

In order to take full advantage of the extraordinary proprieties of honey, you can mix in with other amazing ingredients and create a traditional hair mask.

Honey For Hair Growth

Benefits of Using Honey for Hair Growth 1

Here is the recipe:

  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of virgin olive oil
  • A few drops of lemon
  • 1 egg yolk for dry hair (you can add the white as well if your scalp tends to be greasy)

Then apply this 100% homemade hair mask and let it work for a good hour. End the process with a thorough rinse with warm water and then after shampooing your scalp.

Good to know: to further nourish your hair, you can add coconut oil to your composition.

Finally, to soften the hair, put extra honey, as it has many enzymes that are well known for their softening ability. You can use the mask you made last night, and repeat the procedure – this will save you a lot of time, not having to make a new batch every time.

This mask is one of the best for hair growth and rejuvenation.

Each type of honey has its own set of benefits!

What honey should you choose? There are many types available. Do not panic, we got you covered. Because it was made out of the pollen of different flowers, the properties are different from one honey to another.

To get the most out of its benefits and to take care of your skin and hair, it is important to carefully choose your honey. Make sure the product is 100% organic. I recommend buying it from a beekeeper. When buying, choose clear glass jars.

Benefits of Using Honey for Hair Growth

We always recommend using these four honey types for hair growth, and here are each one’s benefits:

  1. Gâtinais Honey: nourishing and revitalizing
  2. Acacia Honey: calming and restorative
  3. Lavender Honey: antiseptic and soothing. Lavender Honey has powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is usually yellow color. If you suffer from irritation on the skin or scalp this will help. It also prevents the reappearance and spread of dandruff.
  4. Manuka Honey: the champion of all – Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, it significantly accelerates the hydration and healing of the scalp skin. Manuka Honey comes from “New Zealand”. It has been known since ancient times for its virtues for health, skin and hair. Indeed, it contains more active enzymes than in other honeys. To have healthy and super soft hair, go for the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory Manuka honey. Properties like this will guarantee a moisturize, perfect hair that shines with glam.
  5. Mountain Honey: A product from mountainous regions. This honey is super nourishing and invigorating for your hair. It can have a liquid or creamy texture. Its color is often caramel. During the summer the hair can get damaged very quickly! Make yourself a mask with this honey once a week to maintain it and promote it’s growth and recovery.
  6. Thyme honey: It has a shaded color and its taste is quite pronounced. It acts as a remedy for treating health problems or as a natural cosmetic product for the skin (It is effective for fighting acne, scars, eczema and even burns) and for the hair (It stimulates the hair regrowth and makes it stronger)

We all want to have a little time to pamper ourselves! We love cocooning days and taking care of our skin and hair! Of course! Why not opt for the recipes of our grandmothers? They’re tested and natural.

Honey truly is”the nectar of gods”. This natural product has multiple benefits for beautiful skin and sublime hair. The most appreciated moisturizing hair masks are all honey-based.

If you want to grow your hair naturally, treat it, brighten it without damaging it, try different mixtures that include honey, to have the best hair ever. It is a jewel for your inner and outer beauty. It’s an antioxidant that contains emollients that help soften your hair. It is also antibacterial. It reacts against the formation of dandruff and protects the scalp.

Benefits of Using Honey for Hair Growth


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